Hair transplantation is the process of taking healthy and strong hair follicles on the nape and ear, which do not shed for life, and transplant them to the thinned or completely bald area. Anyone who has enough hair on the side and back of the head can have a hair transplant.

Hair transplantation can be applied at any desired age. It is not applied to diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure requiring dialysis, severe liver and heart patients. Hair transplantation is performed with local anesthesia (regional numbing) technique. It is an absolutely painless and painless procedure. The effect of local anesthesia continues throughout the procedure. After the procedure, there is no pain, pain, swelling and bruising.

Hair follicles are taken with the help of a special tip micro motor device and 0.6 – 0.7 mm punches. No incision or stitching is applied in the area where the hair is taken. Therefore, the area from which the tissue is taken closes in a few days and heals without leaving a trace.

Depending on the condition of the average donor area and the number of roots to be transplanted, 3,000 to 4,000 grafts can be taken in one session. There are between 1 and 5 hairs in each graft. It is possible to plant 60-80 hair follicles per square centimeter, depending on the number of roots obtained and the spacing.

Grafts that have been isolated and removed are placed in padded containers in a sterile environment. It is planned that which graft will be planted in which region by classifying it according to the amount. Then, the stage of planning the hair line is started. It is necessary to plan a natural line suitable for facial structures without attracting the most attention of people looking from the outside. A natural line will change the patient's profile and provide a more active and youthful appearance.

After the planning, the stage of creating the channels starts. While opening the channels, it should be prepared considering the direction and angle of the hair.

While providing a smooth transition from the balding forehead to the scalp area, the first line should be prepared indistinctly with the grafts containing a single hair. The frequency should be increased by using grafts containing more roots while moving backwards.

With just a small dressing, the donor area at the back of the head will be closed, and it will be possible to wash the hair after a few days. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a day or two. There may be crusting in the area where hair transplantation is performed, which falls within 5 to 7 days.

While the operation is carried out for approximately 6 to 8 hours, it does not prevent you from your social life. After sowing, there is no swelling on your head, bruises in your eyes, or pain or bleeding. All that is required of you is to use the prescribed drugs carefully and to pay attention to what we have said. If you show sensitivity in this regard, you will complete the process after planting without any problems.

Hair Regrowth Process

The transplanted hair usually falls out at the end of the first month. This is called shock shedding. It is the loss of the hair at the ends of the transplanted roots due to insufficient nourishment and exposure to air flow during the adaptation period of a few days. However, we should also state that there is no such thing as this shedding will happen to everyone or that all the transplanted hair will fall out. There is absolutely no problem even if all or part of it spills or not at all. In this process, like other hairs found in a normal Human body, eyebrows may also fall out over time. Eyebrows can be poured only in a certain area or can be poured as a whole. Eyebrow shedding can often develop as a result of stress-related factors. Shedding due to stress may be temporary or may cause permanent eyebrow loss. People who have permanent make-up and contouring may experience eyebrow loss due to this.

Apart from this, spills due to trauma are frequently encountered. Likewise, eyebrow loss may occur as a result of burns in the face area.

Regardless of the area where eyebrow loss develops, the only treatment method for eyebrow loss is eyebrow transplantation.

After eyebrow transplantation, you will have natural eyebrows that do not fall out for life and are shaped as desired.

With the DHI eyebrow transplant method, transplantation can be done from the nape hair, which is the closest to the eyebrow.

Sometimes, when our patients want to thicken their eyebrows, the shape is determined and sowing is done according to the angle of each hair root.

Eyebrow transplantation is performed in 2-3 hours under local anesthesia with the dhi technique. We take the grafts one by one with the help of micromotor by shortening a small area from the back of the head between the two ears, that is, from our donor area, where we can root as much as needed. Since we need to use grafts containing single hair in eyebrow transplantation, we separate multiple grafts into grafts containing single hair. The angles of the grafts to be planted may vary, but on average, they are planted at an angle of 20 or 25 degrees.

The post-application process is the same as in hair transplantation. Transplanted hair strands are shed for 1 month. After the eyebrows start to grow 3 months after planting, massaging with your fingers towards the direction of the eyebrows will be effective in the direction. The process is completed in 6-8 months.

Process transfer Since it will be done with the DHI (pencil) method, no scars are left in the donor area and the area where the operation is performed, the recovery is very fast and you will have dense natural eyebrows.

It can also develop as a result of other factors. Shedding due to stress may be temporary or may cause permanent eyebrow loss. People who have permanent make-up and contouring may experience eyebrow loss due to this.

Apart from this, spills due to trauma are frequently encountered. Likewise, eyebrow loss may occur as a result of burns in the face area.

Regardless of the area where eyebrow loss develops, the only treatment method for eyebrow loss is eyebrow transplantation.

After eyebrow transplantation, you will have natural eyebrows that do not fall out for life and are shaped as desired.

With the DHI eyebrow transplant method, transplantation can be done from the nape hair, which is the closest to the eyebrow.

Sometimes, when our patients want to thicken their eyebrows, the shape is determined and sowing is done according to the angle of each hair root.

Eyebrow transplantation is performed in 2-3 hours under local anesthesia with the dhi technique. We take the grafts one by one with the help of micromotor by shortening a small area from the back of the head between the two ears, that is, from our donor area, where we can root as much as needed. Since we need to use grafts containing single hair in eyebrow transplantation, we separate multiple grafts into grafts containing single hair. The angles of the grafts to be planted may vary, but on average, they are planted at an angle of 20 or 25 degrees.

The post-application process is the same as in hair transplantation. Transplanted hair strands are shed for 1 month. After the eyebrows start to grow 3 months after planting, massaging with your fingers towards the direction of the eyebrows will be effective in the direction. The process is completed in 6-8 months.

Since the transfer process will be performed with the DHI (pencil) method, no scars remain in the donor area and the area where the operation is performed, the recovery is very fast and you will have dense natural eyebrows.

When you come to the month of October, the slowly planted roots begin to show themselves on the skin as hair. This means: Now you can easily observe that your hair is growing.

In the last month, the hair becomes dense and elongated. Since the transplanted hair is taken from the area that is coded not to fall out, they do not fall out from the transplanted area. Since the hair belongs to the person, it comes out in the same color and character.

Lifelong hair not only changes the appearance of a person, but also has a very positive effect on his psychology.

The self-confidence of people who grow in a healthy way and have natural hair also increases.

It is widely used in the world and satisfactory results are obtained...