The constantly moving blood in our veins consists of two main factors. One of them is plasma and the other is cells. On average, 50-60% of blood is plasma in liquid form. One of the main cells of the blood is platelets. The main task of the platelet is to initiate the coagulation process. In the case of an incision, platelets reach the skin surface and form a protective layer to stop bleeding. This layer plays an important role in wound healing. New tissue formation around the wound takes place in a very short time.

SAC is short for “platelet-rich plasma”. In SAC application, a very small amount of blood is taken from the person and centrifuged in a special tube to separate these blood components. Afterwards, the platelet-rich portion obtained is given to the same person again by injection.

SAC application on the scalp stops hair loss by stimulating weak, broken, damaged hair and hair follicles whose hair production ability has stopped. It makes the hair look brighter and livelier and increases the quality of the hair.

It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments for genetic and non-genetic hair loss. It is used especially before and after hair transplantation to prepare the scalp for transplantation and to strengthen the planted hair.

The purpose of Prp application is to inject these special cells in a concentrated manner to the application areas. Platelet density in plasma obtained with special kits is 3-4 times higher than our blood. Thus, the activity occurs more, stronger and more quickly.

The application is usually applied every 15 days for 3-4 months. Afterwards, it will be sufficient to apply it once a year. The most important advantage of this method is that the special plasma is obtained from the patient's own blood and does not carry the risk of allergy.

SAC application is an application that takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Since it is made in the form of small injections, there is no pain other than mild sensitivity. There is no overdose problem and it can be applied easily. After the application, you can easily return to your daily work.

It is a safe application as the person's own blood is used and closed systems.

When the application is made with needles, small needle marks can be seen in the application area. Water contact to the application area should be avoided for 24 hours after the application.